March 15 Teepee Times
posted by Miss Marie @ 12:17pm, Tuesday 11 March 2025.
The Teepee Times
March 11, 2025
Hello Parents, Campers, and Friends of the Camp,
We want to make you aware of a couple of changes to our Fundraiser Dates and an update on our maintenance and work day schedule
- Our Grand Junction area fundraiser date has been changed to April 4, 2025 it will still be held at Grand Junction 1st Nazarene 2802 Patterson Road. The doors will open at 6:15 and dinner will be served at 6:30. There will be dessert viewing from 6:15 to 7:00. We are excited to see all of you there! You may purchase tickets for a seat at the table via the donate button on the website home page. Just make sure you designate a valid email address. Ticket prices are Adults $15, Children 6-12 $5. You can then pick your tickets up at the "Will Call" table when you arrive. You may also purchase tickets from any board member or you may call the directors at 970-876-2108.
- Spring indoor maintenance and some outdoor maintenance (weather permitting) will begin March 19. We will now post weather updates every week on the website
Indoor Projects are as follows:
- Install Toilet seals in Guy's bath house.
- Clean griddle and stove top
- Seal small holes in semi trailer, build shelves
- Clean screens in Kitchen Dining room
- Finish painting Bathrooms in long house and put a second coat of paint on the walls of some rooms.
- Floor transition from carpet to tile entries in room 5 and chief's cabin
- Fix screens on rooms 2,3,4 long house doors
- Finish painting office. (a 1 hour project)
- Paint outside pantry floor (a 20-30 min. project)
- Fix irrigation line by the girl's teepees before turning on irrigation
- Finish Stain on the bottom boards of the gaga ball pit
- Replace Light fixture in room 1 bathroom ceiling
- Replace top boards railing around trading post deck and stain
- Paint platforms on first 2 tepees on both sides.
- Stain picnic tables
- Finish stain on the gaga ball pit boards (1 hour or less project)
- Replace top boards railing around trading post.Deck
- Finish stain on the gaga ball pit boards (1 hour or less project)
- Sage Brush and small brush clean up. Removing existing sagebrush and clearing brush from around bushes and trees.
Major Project Water and Spring clean out, excavation, possible small construction- More info to come. We will tackle this as soon as the snow around the spring has melted and the ground has firmed up. We will be working on graveling and grading the camp parking lot as soon as the Water and Spring project is completed.
Your help with any of these would be appreciated by all of the summer staff and campers. Groups of workers are always welcome! We encourage you to talk to your Bible Study Group, small group, co-workers group, women’s ministry group, men’s ministry group, or teen group about helping us out this spring. If your employer allows you community service hours we welcome your help throughout the week. Just give us a call to schedule your day to serve.
- Here again, is the Summer Camp Schedule:
Adult Staff Training will be available through several Zoom meetings during May and June as well as the first day of each camp listed below.
Teen Staff Training: June 17-19 For those volunteers age 14-18.
Eagle camp (campers entering grades 9-12 in the fall) June 19-22.
Puma camp (campers entering grades 5-8 in the fall) July 10-13.
Chippy camp (campers entering grades 2-4 in the fall) July 17-20.
Family Retreat August 29-31.
We look forward to seeing new and familiar faces this spring and summer at our fundraisers and here at camp!
God’s blessings on you and your family!
March Weather forecast No Sunday weather
posted by Miss Marie @ 11:04am, Wednesday 19 March 2025.
This forecast updated daily. Actual temperature fluctuation noted each day.
Thursday March 20. No precipitation itoday. Mostly cloudy morning, partly sunny in the afternoon. High of 44 low of 24°. This morning's low was actually 14° here at camp.
Monday March 24. High of 62 actual high of 63, low of 33, actual low 31º partly sunny all day.
Tuesday March 25. High of 66 low of 33 sunny to mostly sunny all day.
Wednesday March 26. High of 67 low of 35 sunny all day.
Thursday March 27. High 71° Low 38° mostly sunny all day.
Friday March 28. High 60° Low 35° Partly cloudy all day. Then 20% chance of rain noon-11p.m.
Saturday March 29. NO WORK DAY -DIRECTOR'S TRAINING. High of 59° Low 33° partly sunny in the morning, 20% chance of rain the rest of the day.
Monday March 31 High 59º Low 37º overcast with a 40% chance of rain 8 a.m. to noon then rain tapering off to nothng by 2 p.m.