Spring 2024 Work and Maintenance Projects
posted by Miss Marie @ 5:54pm, Saturday 6 January 2024.
Interior projects will begin in March or April depending on low temperatures for paint to cure and dry. Exterior projects begin in April or May when the snow is gone from these areas. Watch for updates on this site, Facebook, and the camp emailed newsletters.
All items require extra help and Underlined items are things the directors cannot accomplish by themselves without the help of multiple people.
Uproot and remove several marked areas of sagebrush and sumac bushes.
Trim back several areas of oakbrush
Cut down and/or Remove at least 8 dead trees
Seal cracks and paint platforms of the first two tepees on both the girls and guys sides.
Finish construction of 7 remaining tepee pads
Parking lot gravel and grading/leveling. Date to be announced on Facebook and in a short email newsletter. Need about 4-6 strong folks to spread the road base and gravel.
Replace screens in several Long House Room screen doors.
Paint the West side of 4 cabins
Install metal siding on the south eve of one cabin.
Paint the interior of 4 small buildings
Paint the bathrooms of the 5 Long House (Staff housing) rooms
If you have a group with certified plumbers, electricians, or contractors, contact us to hear abour projects we have that could utilize those folks.
►Remember, the more folks in a group, the less time each project will take!