May/June Tepee Times Newsletter
posted by Miss Marie @ 11:48am, Tuesday 22 May 2018.
7802 County Rd. 319
Rifle, CO 81650
Happy spring everyone!
We are busy getting the camp in shape for the summer season! If you would like to help us and spend a couple of hours or days at the foot of Mamm Peak, we’d love to have your help! We invite you to:
Helping Hands Family and Church Group Camp
This is a FREE Camp!
When: June 8-9 Friday 9 am. to Saturday 8 pm. Register by June 5 *
Sign up by going to our website:
Then click on Camp Sign Up/Camper Registrations and choose Helping Hands Camp.
Or call Skip or Marie at 970-876-2108 no later than the evening of June 5th.
What: Working weekend where families, employee groups, and church groups come to help prepare the camp for summer activities. We feed and house you.
What will we be doing?
Each family or church group will choose a project from a prepared list to complete during the weekend.
Families or groups will arrive at camp any time after 8 am. Friday. Work will commence at 9 am. Friday with breaks for snacks and drinks, lunch and supper. After supper you are free to work or rest as you choose. Fellowship is encouraged. The family or group may then choose to spend the night and help with work on Saturday. Saturday work will begin at 8 am. after breakfast and will end at 8 pm.
You do not have to work the entire time. Come give a couple of hours, a day, or the entire two days. The time you spend is up to you.
Each family group will bring their own power tools and carpentry tools. The camp has a limited amount of gardening tools and painting tools and shovels.
Some of the projects we will be doing: Projects with a bold "E" require a working knowledge of the tasks to be completed.
Folks with wood burning stoves or fireplaces: Bring your own chain saws and help us cut up downed trees, you may take ½ of all you cut for your winter wood supply.
Need folks to bring their own weed eaters and help us weed eat trails, around buildings and tepee pads and under fences.
E Drywall repairs on the ceiling of the dining room and camp office.
E Remove the existing wall and kitchen area of the craft house.
E Build a new deck on the craft house depending. Call ahead so we can get supplies delivered.
E Replace old light fixtures in the bathrooms and rooms of cabins and long house.
E Plumbers to help with plumbing repairs. (A couple of leaky toilets and a leaky pipe in the bath house.)
Spread pea gravel supplied by the camp under the obstacles of the obstacle course. Call 2 days ahead if you choose this project.
Clean all windows, walls, and ceiling fans of the Eat'um House.
Plant additional plants in 4 flower beds.
5 people to help set up all tepees.
Caulk and paint the west sides of the long house, chiefs' cabin, & missionary cabin.
More projects are found online on our Prioritized Maintenance List at the bottom of the Home Page under More Information.
*I can’t attend the Helping Hands Camp but I would like to come another day to help. Is that possible?? YES!! We would love to have your help any week day or any weekend you can help. Please give us a call at least 24 hours in advance so we check our personal schedule so we can accommodate you and have supplies ready for the project you want to help with. Thank you so much!!
*My employer has community service hours I can use to help non-profits, does the camp allow this? YES!! Again, just give us a call at least 24 hours in advance so we can accommodate you and have supplies ready for the project you want to help with.
Praise the Lord!
We paid the down payment on our first of thirteen new tepees! It is being made and should be delivered by the first day of the first camp. We hope to have it up that day, for all our campers and parents to see. Production on the remainder of the tepees will begin in August. We invite you to visit the camp and see exactly what our campers and counselors will be sleeping in beginning summer of 2019!
Deadline to save $30 and get a free T-shirt is approaching:
You need to pre-register your child by June 1st to take advantage of this money saver! Anyone pre-registering after June 1st will pay $30 more and will need to purchase their child’s t-shirt which will be $8 plus $4 shipping. You can save yourself $42 by going online to Click on Camp Sign Up, then Camper Registration, then choose your camp. You only need to pay $30 for age 7- grade 4 or $45 for grade 5-7 and grade 8-10. You can pay the remainder the day you bring your child to camp. So please register by June 1st. We will be accepting registrations until the Wednesday before your child’s camp begins but, again, you will end up spending $42 more per child.
Prayer needs:
Staff: Counselors, Chief, Cooks, Craft Leaders, Bible Teachers, Counselors In Training, Jr. Staff, Hike and Recreation Leaders
Leading of the Holy Spirit and campers’ hearts to be open to the Word of God
Protection from the schemes of the enemy
- Health and of all staff and campers
We are trying to go Somewhat Paperless!
We would like to send future newsletters via email. This will help the camp be more responsible with our funds and reduce our printing costs. Here are the instructions on how to help us if you would like to receive bi-monthly newsletters and special announcements. We promise not to overload your email inboxes. It is as easy as going to our Facebook page and clicking on the firast post. If you have any questions about sign up, contact Zach Kell at (970)210-9039
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