Tepee Bible Camp

Rifle, CO tepeebiblecamp@gmail.com - (970)876-2108

Registration Fee

Winter Camp and Nov 2018 Teepee Times

posted by Miss Marie @ 1:46pm, Friday 2 November 2018.


Calendar of Events and Special Events Included

November 3, 2018

Winter Camps are coming!!            THE LOVE OF GOD            2019 SNOW CAMP INFORMATION

The Greatest Gift, The Greatest Love, The Greatest Sacrifice

  • Camp dates are:          January 25-27: 7th-12th grade          February 1-3 Age 7-6th grade
  • The camps start with supper at 6 pm Friday and end at 2 p.m. Sunday.
  • The fee per camper is $50 which includes the $20 non-refundable pre-registration fee. Please pre-register by Jan. 18 for the 1st camp and Jan. 25 for the 2nd camp. After these dates the total cost will be $60.
  • WHAT TO BRING TO SNOW CAMP: Lots of winter clothing, snow pants or suit, mittens/gloves, boots, plenty of socks, Bible, pen or pencil, notebook, flashlight, toiletries, sleeping bag, pillow, towel and washcloth.
  • Some activities include: Bible Study, Music, Foosball, Tubing, Ping Pong, Snow Sculpting
  • PLEASE leave portable gaming and music devices, cell phones, magazines, any type of knives, and immodest clothing at home.
  • No health form or physical is needed.  To register click on the Camp Sign Up tab above, then Camper Registration, choose Snow Camp.


Can you believe it is almost Thanksgiving, already? What a wonderful camp season we had. Some highlights of our season were:

  • Over 130 campers attending this year,
  • 5 definite salvations and many re-commitments
  • 100% of our campers hearing the uncompromising Word of God.
  • 45 tremendous, hardworking volunteers; all of which were unpaid but gave of their time and talents to make the spread of the gospel possible.
  • Our Wednesday night service during the 8-10th grade camp was phenomenal! Teens and staff gave testimonies and publicly unburdened their hearts. The service ended after almost 3 hours of praise, worship, testimonies, and prayer! One young man testified: “I’ve been thinking about asking Jesus to be my Savior for two years. And tonight, I did! And now, He is!”
  • Our Teen Girls retreat was well attended and many girls received help and hope.


God is blessing the camp with donations beyond all we could ask or imagine.

  • A complete, larger sound system was donated to the camp! Our small system can now be moved into the Eat’um House to be used during winter camps, retreats, and family camp.
  • A new-to-us commercial dishwasher and 3-sink set up, to be installed in the spring.
  • We now are halfway to our goal of having enough funds to purchase 13 new, larger tepees and platforms which will give our campers and counselors better sleeping quarters.


What we still need:

  • Your Prayers for guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit.
  • You! To volunteer as staff for the 2019 camping season. Go to our website and click on the Camp Sign Up tab then Staff Registrations, and to volunteer your expertise at one of our May/June work days.
  • You! To sign up or renew as a City Market Community Rewards member. Join the 15 other households naming the camp as their chosen charitable organization. We would love to see this number increase to 100!!!
    For instructions to sign up go to the downloads tab above, choose Camper Documents, then choose the How to Enroll in City Market Rewards Program document.
  • You! To come visit us at the Grand Junction Craft and Small Business Bazaar Nov. 10th.  2802 Patterson Rd. Grand Junction. At our booth you can purchase great Christmas gifts of homemade apple butter, gift certificates to 2019 camps and retreats, visit with our tech team and directors, and see our plans for the new tepees and future upgrades.
  • You! To be ready for Facebook’s Tuesday Gives Day, Nov. 27th. We will have a list of maintenance projects that your donation will help with. We ask you to get up early and go to the Facebook Page. Then donate any amount between 6 and 8 a.m. when matching funds will be available. 100% of your donation goes directly to the camp. You may also donate any time after 8 a.m. but be aware that the matching funds may be gone by then. You can donate for 10 days following Nov. 27th.


2019 Calendar of Events:   You can also click on the Calendar tab above to see these events.

Jan. 25-27 7-12th grade Winter Camp                                                                               June 19-21   Teen Staff Training                                             

 Feb. 1-3 Age 7-Grade 4 Winter Camp                                                                              June 22        Adult Staff Training

March 15 Summer Camps & Retreats Brochures in the Mail                                                June 23-26   Age 7-Grade 4 Camp            

 April 6 Spring Fundraiser Auction                                                                                     July 7-12     Grades 5-7 Camp

April 26-28 Teen Guys Retreat                                                                                          July 14-19     Grades 8-10 Camp

May 4,10-11, 17-19, Work Days/Camps                                                                           August 16-18 Teen Girls Retreat

May 31-June 1 3rd Helping Hands Camp                                                                            Aug. 30-Sept. 2 Family Camp 

June 7-8 Extra Workdays if needed                                                                                    Sept. 7,14,21,28 Fall Work Days




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