Tepee Bible Camp

Rifle, CO tepeebiblecamp@gmail.com - (970)876-2108

Registration Fee

When to Come to Summer Sessions and What to Bring

posted by Miss Marie @ 6:10pm, Monday 7 January 2019.

WHEN TO COME:  Please begin arriving NO earlier than 3:00 p.m. the day your scheduled camp begins. At 5 p.m. there will be a welcome and orientation class for campers and parents followed by a cookout. Parents and family members may stay for this meal but must notify the camp 2 weeks in advance.

ITEMS TO BRING:   Washable camping pad or air mattress to sleep on - make sure it is 2 ft. wide or less, sleeping bag, pillow, sweatshirts, jacket, changes of clothing for a week, extra socks, flip-flops for the shower, at least two pairs of shoes (not sandals) in case one should get wet, personal hygiene items, towel, washcloth, Bible, flashlight, canteen or water bottle, hat, sun screen, strong pair of shoes for the hike (not a new pair), a pair of long pants or jeans to wear on the hike. Please label all your items. Items left at camp that are not claimed will be given to charity.

ITEMS NOT TO BRING: Short shorts (all shorts must be finger tip length or longer), or short skirts, shirts with spaghetti straps, belly shirts, midriffs, electronic devices of any kind including cell phones, magazines, pocket knives, sling shots, guns, tobacco in any form, alcohol or illegal drugs, snacks or candy. Any camper dressed inappropriately will be asked to change clothes. Should any of the above items find their way to camp, they will be removed from the camper or his belongings and kept in the camp office and returned to the parent at the end of camp. The possession of weapons, alcohol, drugs, or tobacco will be reported to the county Sheriff and will be cause for immediate dismissal from the camp.

WHEN TO PICK UP:  All camps will close at 5 p.m. the last day of each camp. Please make arrangements to promptly pick up your child between 5 and 6 p.m. that day.


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