Tepee Bible Camp

Rifle, CO tepeebiblecamp@gmail.com - (970)876-2108

Registration Fee

Fall Feast Fundraiser

posted by Miss Marie @ 2:10pm, Thursday 27 October 2022.


Benefiting teepee bible camp

Friday, November 11, 2022 6:30 to 8:30 P.M.

Grand Junction Nazarene Church 2802 Patterson Rd.

Join us for an evening of fun, food, and fellowship!

Learn about 2023 camps and events as well as our new logo and tepees!

Cost for a seat at the table: $25 adults, $12.50 children 6-12;

under age 5– FREE. 

At-The-Door  $35 adults, $13.50 children 6-12.

Purchase your tickets at the regular price online at least 24 hours in advance:

www.tepeebiblecamp.org (click on the donate button)

Then: Your tickets will be waiting for you (using your email address) at the door. 

Questions??? Call Skip or Marie at 970-876-0618

All menu items provided by Kell’s Kitchen & Board Members

Highly sought after, Homemade Desserts will be auctioned off  throughout the evening.

Menu: Kell’s Kitchen Smoked Brisket, Skip’s Smoked Pulled Pork, Tim’s Baked Beans, Jane’s Classy Coleslaw,             Cornbread and butter, Coffee, Tea, Lemonade, and Water 

Affiliates and Partners

Food Bank of the Rockies

Website: https://www.foodbankrockies.org/

We are the largest hunger-relief organization in the Rocky Mountain region. That makes us uniquely suited to answer the enormous challenge of hunger. Since 1978, we’ve put the power of community to work for our neighbors in need. Through partnerships. Through programs. Through people. Through you.